
What happens if you plug a hand key into the KX1? or paddles with the KX1
set to Hand?  If it keys properly, then your problem is in the cable or in
the microHam Keyer.

I guess there is also the possibility that you are getting RF feedback which
locks the combination into transmit - try testing into a dummy if you are
not already (either bypass the internal tuner or TUNE it to the dummy load

Don w3FPR

> -----Original Message-----
> Silly as it may sound I'm trying to key my KX1 using a
> microHAM CW Keyer (uses Winkey), controlled by my
> notebook, which will be running N1MM Logger.  I want
> to try this setup in the Ontario QSO Party tomorrow.
> I have the microHAM USB device router and N1MM Logger
> both configured so they're not looking for a
> transceiver.
> The USB device router software lets you send a test
> message in CW to confirm that Winkey is working, which
> it is.  However, when I plug the keyer cable into the
> KX1 and try the test message the KX1 transmits a solid
> carrier that won't quit until I unplug the cable.  If
> I plug it back in the KX1 will wait patiently for the
> next input.
> The keyer sends TEST once as it should then stops, as
> indicated by its sidetone and front panel LEDs.
> The KX1 is configured to Hnd for hand key or external
> keyer.
> I'm stumped.  Any thoughts from those of you who stump
> less easily would be most welcome!

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