I'm going out on a limb. I've heard that some other DXpeditions had K3 failures in the RX section. RX dead TX OK. Apparently, the protection circuitry was not enough in the close quarter multi-transmitter operations. It would be nice to know the details or if this or is just rumor. If this is so what in the field fixes could be done? Alternatively, what additional steps in such contemplated operation could be taken to further minimize such failures.

73 de Brian/K3KO

On 10/27/2017 17:02 PM, Merv Schweigert via Elecraft wrote:
Here is the latest from 3C0L guys,  and an insight to the K3 failures,
lot of negative comments on some lists,  this puts it in perspective.

   Regarding K3s - those who posted negative comments on DX-Cluster about
failing K3s, please bear in mind the conditions they were being operated
at 3C0 (jumping mains voltage 120-180 V). If you dare to test transceiver,
or even better - two of them - of your beloved brand in similar conditions
for about 12 days, then lets compare the results."
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