My solution is very simple.    I ignore all calls unless they appear on my caller ID from my contact list.  Likewise on e-mail, my spam filter gets 99.9% of all of them and they end being sent to the junk folder.  That folder gets emptied every 12 hrs.  The one or two that get through, also get manually added to the junk filter.    Thank you Thunderbird which is my e-mail application. Once the filter is set, they are then history forever.


Bob, K4TAX

On 8/14/2018 10:35 AM, Terry Schieler wrote:
I use commercial spam solutions for relief from internet email spammers. Lots 
of them out there. That's all well and good.  The REAL problem for me are robo 
calls to my home phones and cell phone.  I listed both phones on the State of 
Missouri and the Federal *No Call Lists*  years ago.  That worked ok for a 
while, then totally spiraled out of control.  Spammers don't pay any attention 
to the *List* and violations are not enforced.

I found a fix in an app called *NOMOROBO*  No More Robo (calls).  After you 
sign up for the service, their server spots the fingerprints of incoming spam 
telephone robo calls on your phone line.  My phone rings a partial ring (.5 
sec?) then the software at the server end sucks the call off my line and adds 
it to their national database blacklist.  The Caller Id is still displayed on 
my TV screen, but before I can get my butt out of my chair, the ring stops, 
telling me not to bother with the call, it's spam.

I can't remember how many years I've used NoMoRobo but I was an early adopter 
and it has been working beautifully for probably 10 years now.  The idea was 
hatched by a couple of guys during a contest to find a solution to annoying 
Robo Calls (necessary because your local telco doesn't want to help inhibit the 
use of their paid services).  You don't need to load your *white list* phone 
numbers.  There is a free version of NoMoRobo and a paid version.  So far, I 
have seen no need for the paid version.  In all this time I only had two 
callers get wrongly *captured* by the spam software and both were vendors I use 
who had recently changed their phone number.  Calls from my doctor's 
appointment office, Trash Hauler, etc come right through.

While not affiliated with the firm that offers this (I wish I were) I recommend 
looking it over and deciding for yourself if it suits your needs:

73, Terry WØFM

Pardon the bandwidth

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken G Kopp []
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 1:58 PM
To: w7aqk
Cc: Elecraft
Subject: [Elecraft] OT-Junk Mail

Hi Dave, + rest of list

I've not seen your "Elycraft", but we … both ElecraftCovers (Rose, N7HKW) and me  …  get 
lots of e-mail from people wanting to "fix" and bring us more business.  I 
expect Elecraft also gets these same offers.

Both of us, for several reasons, need to maintain an old-fashioned wired phone 
line.  We have had the same number for about fifty years and it's published and 
used from all over the world.

Here's what seems to (partially) work for us;  we have an answering machine in 
a speaker-phone that's audible throughout the house. In addition, our satellite 
TV provider is connected to the TV set … which is usually on (;-) … and the TV 
screen displays caller ID info.  Perhaps ten percent of the calls are legit.

Both of us have Verizon cell phones and get -many- calls from spoofed numbers … usually 
in our 406 area and often using a "local" number.  Rose gets many calls related 
to her Elecraft case and cover business that she -must- answer.  She's had three today … 
with two being spoofed.

We both use G-Mail as our e-mail provider and to G-mail's credit, we get very 
little SPAM.  We also use Norton ... wouldn't be without it. Our internet 
provider (Century Link) is via cable.




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