Hi Gary,

RE: k2

I rechecked Q5 base and collector values and they are as I stated. W1 remains at 40V on xmit.
I do not have a wattmeter.

Now, I am going down the DC voltage tables for the RF board. So far, D1 thru Q2 are normal.

I am confused by the directions. Directions are for receive unless specified, zero AF, mid set RF gain. If, as you instruct, I turn power down to zero to read DC, then Q5 collector is zero, as is B, C and E of Q6. Am I wrong, or is this to be expected when power is at zero? If getting DC readings on transmit is fruitful, based on what you told me, how do I proceed to get accurate TRANSMIT DC readings?

Here are "Transmit, Mixer, Buffer, Band-Pass Filter, T-R Switch readings from page 14 of troubleshooting.
(Power set at 2)

RF readings:
2. Xmit Mixer Output    Expected        .016 Vrms       Actual  .03
3. Buffer Output:               Expected        .2                      Actual  
4. Band-Pass Filter Output                      .03                             
5. T-R Switch Output                            .029                            

Pre-driver, Driver and PA
1. Pre-Driver Output    Expected        .120            Actual  .11
2. Driver Output                                        .026                    
3. Driver Output                                        1.8                     
4. PA Input Q7                                  .38                             
5, PA Input Q8                                  .38                             
6. RF Detector Input                            2                               

7. PA Transistor Tests                          
positive lead on base: Expected at emitter and collector: .6 Actual .537

        negative lead on base:  Expected at emitter     1.3             Actual  
                                                        Expected at collector   >3        
   Actual  "OL"

My PA voltage is too high and Detector voltage is too low: indicating defective PA transistor(s). Does the above test eliminate them as the culprit?

Note: On my DMM, diode test shows "v" not "k"...the values seem to match but is this voltage or resistance?

AB8WH _______________________________________________
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