Good Evening,

   Twenty meters was not helpful today.  But I did hear a lot of folks on straight keys honing their skills for next weekend. Forty meters had QSB ranging from Zip to S5 (one report) through S4 to S9.  But the change was rapid enough it would only effect a letter here and there.

   I received quite a few emails this week telling me they were off to relatives for the weekend.  Hopefully their travels are safe.  Ken reported temperatures in the teens signaling late autumn in North Dakota.  Cows can still walk on solid ground.

  On 14049.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

N5ZC - Rich - TX

AB9V - Mike - IN

  On 7047 kHz at 0000z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

W6JHB - Jim - CA

W0CZ - Ken - ND

  The sun is coming back.  Not noticeably but it can be measured, in seconds.  It hasn't sent much activity our way so the bands are quiet.  If you can hear someone you can work them into the noise floor.  160 meters sounds very nice after about 9 PM local time. Now to get my doublet cut a little shorter so I can transmit on that band as well as listen.  My K3's tuner just can't get the SWR below 2.5:1.  Since the ends are so close to the ground it would be a simple matter of a pair of side cutters and my tape measure. But it is knowing how much to cut which requires some thought.


       Kevin.   KD5ONS


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