As others have indicated, this is most likely a dishonest attempt to get you to give information. One way to check is as follows. If the questionable e-mail has a link for you to click on DO NOT CLICK ON IT, but rather place your cursor over the link and look at the bottom left of your browse (if you are using Microsoft Explorer, that is). This shows you the destination that the link will send you to, if you click. It probably has nothing to do with e-bay but belongs to the bad guys.

As was stated in earlier responses, this is becoming a problem and the bogus e-mail often looks very convincing.

I've recently received these phishing attempts from someone claiming to be PayPal (but wasn't) saying very matter of factly, that PayPal made a payment from my account (which I never authorized, of course). It even had the amount and to whom it was being sent (both fictitious). Then it said, if I had any question to simply click on the link, of course I was tempted to get to the bottom of that, but when I saw where the link was sending me I realized it was a phish.

Be Careful, this really stinks.

K2 1103


Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Discussion List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 5:10 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Way OT - eBay - HELP

Sorry about this OT. I keep getting nasty messages from ebay and ebay customers saying that I have not paid for this or that. I have NEVER used ebay nor have an account with them, and since none of my neighbours do either my question is 'How does one contact a HUMAN at ebay?' All my messages to them seem to go into some Computer Black Hole.

Again, sorry for the bandwidth.


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