It is reported that Glanville Williams, a now SK Professor of Jurisprudence at 
University College London, once quipped that, "The difference between a 
difference in kind and a difference in degree is almost always a difference in 
degree."  I can't verify that, but it's a well-cited legend in my field.

The problems of remoting and moving raised for DXCC, whose rule is all-too 
simple, were inevitable in an Internet environment and really ought to be 
updated.  But how?

I began again as Jim did when I moved from Connecticut, at ocean's edge, to 
Colorado on mountain's peak, although under the DXCC rules my official standing 
-- which isn't much anyway -- combines the two.  I didn't move for that 
purpose; but that shouldn't matter.

Remoting is more subtle.  My fixed station is at my mountain QTH, 100 miles 
from Denver.  My Denver home is HOA-limited and due to foil-backed insulation 
in every wall is effectively a Faraday cage.  I am looking into remoting by 
Internet over that 100 miles.  If I do that, I personally would be comfortable 
adding any new ones to the ones I got while sitting on the mountain.  But there 
is no way I would feel right about adding an ATNO I snagged if I rented a 
station on the Atlantic or Pacific coast for the occasion and remoted from 
Denver to there.  Is that a difference in kind, because I own one and don't own 
the other?  A difference in degree because one's 100 miles and the other is 
over 1,000?  How about if I had a summer place on Nantucket and I personally 
owned the equipment there, operating it remotely from Colorado?  A difference 
in kind, or a difference in degree?

Again, and as others have said, I compete for me and against me, and I know 
from where I snagged what.  But some hams compete against other hams and that 
is, generally speaking, to the good as well.  So what should the rules be?  The 
WAS rule, I believe, says within a 50 mile radius.  I am one QSL short of 5BWAS 
because NE on 10 from my side of the Continental Divide in CO has eluded me for 
more than a decade.  I could drive to the CO/NE state line with a KX3 in the 
car but that would be a rule violation, so I haven't.   Should there be a 
radius limit for DXCC as well?  Should remoting be a separate rule of some sort?

I think Professor Williams, who so far as I know was not a ham,  would have 
enjoyed this imbroglio.

    Message: 22
    Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2019 19:17:21 -0700
    From: Fred Jensen <>
    Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Bouvet
    Message-ID: <>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
    I wonder sometimes if DXCC has become an oxymoron of magnitude similar 
    to NTS?? When originally conceived, actually contacting 100 "countries" 
    was a huge endeavor.? Even making transoceanic contacts between the 
    largest of stations was very difficult.? Today's world is so very very 
    different.? When So. Sudan showed up, a new-ish ham said to me, "I've 
    never seen such pileups!"? I told him, "ATNO for everyone and those who 
    sit at the top of the list with 'all' of them need to keep their seats."
    After I worked BS7H, I showed my wife a photo of W6RGG at one of the 
    positions.? She said, "You count that rock as a country?"? I started to 
    explain and then passed, the rock is claimed by more than one country of 
    course and I'd already been through it with her over VP6DI.
    As I said when I started this, I just wondered recently while in the shower.
    Fred ["Skip"] K6DGW
    Sparks NV DM09dn
    Washoe County
    On 3/23/2019 6:52 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
    > ?On 3/23/2019 2:34 PM, ab2tc wrote:
    >> But if I work Bouvet using this remote, can I really claim
    >> DXCC credit for myself for it?
    > DXCC rules say that you can count a QSO made from any STATION location 
    > (that is, where RF is transmitted and received,) anywhere in the lower 
    > 48 states.
    >> It would seem exceptionally unfair. Doesn't
    >> ARRL have a rule for as how far you can move from place to place and 
    >> still
    >> claim accumulated DXCC credits?
    > Yep.
    >> I find this highly troubling.
    > Me too. When I moved from Chicago to NorCal 12 years ago I started 
    > over with DXCC. There's a guy who takes pride in being at/near the top 
    > of DXCC on 160M, but he started in CO, then moved to NC.? I strongly 
    > approve of operating remotely from a station that is close to you, 
    > especially if you built the station!? I view with contempt those who 
    > would use remote operation of a station much much closer to DX than 
    > their own, or even rent that station and travel to it, and count QSOs 
    > made from that station for DXCC.
    > 73, Jim K9YC

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