I'm clueless but can offer an observation for you to laugh at and

On 10 meters, -29.3 DBM yields 2.0 watts while -26.7 yields 5 watts.
The change in drive level is about 3 dB which is twice the power so that
looks like what I'd expect.

On 20, the change is about 6 dB or 4x power and you show 2 watts going
to 10.  Again, it is in line with expectations.

- Keith KD1E -

-----Original Message-----
From: "Jim" Rogers, W4ATK
        2) Band         Power at W6             Measured output.
             20 -33 DBM         2.0 WATTS
             10 -29.3 DBM               2.0 WATTS

        3) Band Power at W6             Measured output.
             20     -26.3 DBM           10W
             10     -26.7 DBM           5W

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