
The output should not fall off that drastically on the higher bands.  Expect
a minimum of 10 watts on 10 meters.

I suggest that you check the value of each and every component in the
transmitter amplifier chain (those components on sheet 4 of the K2
schematic).  Check all of them for proper value and good soldering.  If you
find nothing awry in that examination, then measure the RF Voltages at each
stage shown in the troubleshooting section of the manual under transmit
signal tracing.  Compare the RF Voltage levels on 2 bands (one of which
seems to be OK) to determine the stage where the output drops dramatically.
Once you have located that stage, we can help you isolate to the problem


> -----Original Message-----
>   K2 #5216 is finished an on the air, with one contact so far on
> 20m. It will take a little getting use to how it operates. It's a
> pleasure to have a CW filter after the FT817's wide-open band pass.
>     There appears to be very little power on the high bands (less
> than a watt on 10 and 12, Not much better on 15m). 80 meters and
> 40m are not the best either, with lower power than expected and
> some variation i noutput between keydown attempts. Only 20 and 30
> appear to match the Power level indicated and what is actually
> put out to the MFJ ATU/pwr meter. The receiver seems OK on all bands.
>     I assume that this is an alignment problem or some parts are
> not installed right. I'll call Elecraft next week to see what can
> be done. During the alignment (with the DL1 and Ngen) the power
> was very low on the high bands (0.5 W) and on other bands it
> would often read 8 watts when the tune function was on. That made
> it hard to align the transmitter with the DVM on the DL1. The
> NGen was great for alignment and I hated to disturb the settings
> during subsequent  transmitter alignment. I'll download the
> Spectrogram for later use.
>     Does this situation sound 'normal' for first-time usage?
> Bob VA3RKM (Ottawa)

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