
Thanks for your comments. It's interesting to see that someone else has come to some very similar fairly similar basic conclusions as oneself.

I have emailed RF Parts for the current price of the 4-1000a. At this stage, it may remain a drwing board exercise..


----- Original Message ----- From: "Charles Greene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Wyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Tube Linear Amp design for basic K2


....   A 4-1000A is the nearest new(er) design tube.  I
thought about how I could make the old guy put out something exciting when driven by my K2. I could swamp the input with a 200 ohm resistor and use a 4:1 balun and the impedance to the K2 would still be 50 ohms. ...... The tube itself does not take any power in class AB1, but the input voltage needs to be so much for a given output. A 4:1 balun would increase the drive voltage by a factor of 4 times which would increase the output of the amp to 1600 watts if the drive remained the same, 800 watts with 10 watts drive...... From 20 watts to 1600 watts is a power gain of 19 dB which in my opinion is a little high. I would be more comfortable with a power gain of 16 dB, but you can try it.

.......  Those tubes are expensive.

73,  Chas W1CG

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