Good Evening,
    We had a great turn out tonight for the 3rd Anniversary.  Many kind words 
were sent and we're hoping for another three years.  By then the sunspots will 
allow us to reach across each ocean again.  We'll have real difficulties trying 
to keep this under control :)  But we will try and will have fun doing so.  
    I am getting peppered with emails of congratulations too.  Thanks folks, I 
am still learning and hope one day to maybe get to NCS 4th class!  Time in rank 
is everything ;)  Well that and an effort to keep improving.  I've had a lot of 
help from so many people it would be hard to list them all without missing so 
many I'd be apologizing until next year!  I'll just thank you all for putting 
up with me and helping me improve.  
   It is thoughtful of you to relay in a station as Jay did this evening.  I 
just could not drag K4BEH out of the noise.  Then, just as soon as I got the 
call, Pat came back loud and clear.  Never can tell about propagation!  I got a 
note from Ray stating he'd been in Eastern Oregon last weekend.  He most 
probably was the weak station I could just not get above the noise.  He was 
near Joseph where Ms. Pat and her friend went on an outing last year.  I've got 
a lot of photos from very near where Ray was camping.  
   You may have noticed a difference between my sending on 20 and then later on 
40 meters.  During dinner I lost a temporary part of a tooth which stung like 
the dickens during the second net.  I think the QRN was resonating in the 
cavity.  Hopefully I'll be able to arrange for my dentist tomorrow.  But, no 
hot stuff, no cold stuff.  No breathing through my mouth.  Good thing it is not 
   Most of the weather reports today were clear and hot except in Ontario and 
Colorado.  They both mentioned clouds and rain.  On another note: Karl must 
have had the loudest signal I have ever heard.  It took an act of will to see 
if he wasn't in my driveway ;)  Normally he and I have a hard time since we are 
so close.  Don't know what happened to make this connection; I'll have to dig 
for the rest of the story.
   The lists:

On 14050 kHz at 2256z:
NE5DL - Dave - TX - K2 - 2887
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138
KT5E - Jay - CO - K2 - 5037
K3OOL - Craig - PA - K2 - 4790
AB8KJ - Chuck - MI - K2 - 2596
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968    QNI #105!!!
K2HYD - Ray - VA - KX1 - 608
K6BGB - Rod - TX - KX1 - ?
K4BEH - Pat - GA - K2 - 5041
N0BK - Bruce - MN - K2 - 3646
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993

On 7045 kHz at 0200z:
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138
N7NLU - Karl - OR - some Elecraft rig in progress    QNI #55!!
WB6OMT - Paul - CA - Ten Tec - just wanted to give me an RST
N6JW - John - CA - K2 - 3290
KT5E - Jay - CO - K2 - 5037
AB8KJ - Chuck - MI - K2 - 2596
W1TF - Ty - GA - K1 - 1423    QNI  #40!!
KL7V/5 - Sam - OK - K2 - 3158
ND0V - Greg - CO - either K1 - 2151 or K2 - 4411 or KX1 - 1162 just did not ask 

Thanks again for three years learning how to run a net.  In another three years 
I will have learned a bit more but I hope to still be plugging away at it.  
Running these two nets a week makes my Sunday afternoons and evenings a lot of 
fun.  As always suggestions, critiques, or corrections are appreciated.

Until next week stay well,
         Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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