I am hoping I can induce some nice person to spend some time explaining the K2 
AGC circuit to me. I've been trying to tweak the AGC threshold potentiometer, 
and in the process trying to learn about this circuit.

>From the datasheet of the MC1350P it looks like pin 5, the AGC control 
voltage, works on a range of 5 to 7 volts. Yet when I measure it with my 10 
Megaohm input DMM, it ranges from about 3.7 to 4 volts from no signal to a 50 
microvolt signal from the XG1. The AGC seems to work just fine. I would have 
expected a higher voltage on this pin.

Also, the tweak procedure is to listen to the receiver generated noise without 
antenna connected and adjust the pot (R1) so there is no difference in noise 
level with the AGC on or off. I found that the control was quite broad and 
not easy to find an exact spot.

So I decided to use Baudline to help me out. Baudline is an audio spectrum 
analyzer computer program for Linux similar to Spectrogram for Windows. What 
I found was that as the AGC voltage was varied by adjusting R1, the total 
power level of the noise would vary, as expected.

What I found interesting was that the AGC voltage is always different between 
AGC on and off, and similarly the total power level of the noise was always 
different between AGC on and off. What I did find was that the difference 
between noise power levels decreased as the voltage decreased.

Note that I am measuring the AGC voltage at pin 5 of U12 (MC1350P) and not pin 
5 of U2 (LM833) where the AGC threshold voltage is measured. So the voltage 
readings below are the actual AGC voltage and not the AGC threshold voltage 
as measured at U2.

Here's my measurements:

Case 1:
AGC off: Volts: 3.706   Noise: -22.68 dB
AGC on:  Volts: 3.763   Noise: -23.22 dB
Difference: Volts:0.057   Noise: 0.54 dB

Case 2:
AGC off: Volts: 3.821   Noise: -22.75 dB
AGC on:  Volts: 3.872   Noise: -23.69 dB
Difference: Volts:0.051   Noise: 0.94 dB

Case 3:
AGC off: Volts: 3.867   Noise: -23.07 dB
AGC on:  Volts: 3.907   Noise: -24.65 dB
Difference: Volts:0.040   Noise: 1.58 dB

So since a change of less than 1 dB is not noticeable to the human ear
then perhaps this might be a good point for the AGC threshold? Comments?

Is what I am seeing normal behavior in a K2? Everything seems to work just 

Darrell  VA7TO  K2#5093

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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