Good Evening,

   Sorry about spamming the Reflector earlier today.  I found the link to the Barko harvester was getting blocked by my ISP not Elecraft's.  I guess advertising forestry equipment built in Wisconsin doesn't sit well with an ISP in Oregon :)  Tomorrow the beeping recommences at 7:30 or so.  At the rate they're harvesting they'll be at the west end of my property by the end of the month.  Then the sorting, stacking, and trucking begins.  They changed the contract so I get 5% more from each load to the three mills being used.  There may be more Elecraft gear in my future ;)

   QSB was deep on my end; a few ops reported very little on their end.  However, copy was pretty good except at the end when we had some QRM problems.  GA, FL, and AL came in fairly well with weaker signals and medium QSB.  I am not sure if I lost a few because the band was changing from the first minute onward.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4TO - Dave - KY

K4JPN - Steve - GA

AB9V - Mike - IN

KS4L - Randy - AL

W4CBS - Don - FL

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0000z:

K6XK - Roy - IA

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

W8OV - Dave - TX

K1SW - Dick - CT

K4TO - Dave - KY

   Forty meters was more of the same: some weak signals and QSB ranging from S2 to S9.  However, the area I can hit has increased.  Connecticut on 40 meters is something, but I imagine he is not at home :)  I dug for his call and got a few confirmations of it but little else.  His signal was from below ESP to S2 at best.  Both bands were changing quickly as I worked through the check ins.  I confirmed I did miss at least one on 20 meters when Brian told me so.  Honesty is good.

   There are a few links at the end of this email.  They will accomplish two goals.  One, they are interesting articles so I hope you check them out.  Determining eigenvectors from eigenvalues gets pretty exciting :)  The design article is interesting too.  Changing the shapes of knobs from a statistical study of B17 crashes.  Second, I will test my hypothesis of the links breaking my ISP somehow.  I expect to see all of the announcement messages showing up on my end sometime tomorrow.

   Until next week 73,

      Kevin.  KD5ONS

A stretch of sky, a garden wall overhung by green branches, a strong horse, a handsome dog, a group of children, a beautiful face — why should we be willing to be robbed of all this?  Whoever has acquired the knack can in the space of a block see precious things without losing a minute’s time…
   Hermann Hesse

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