Good Evening,

   Conditions were more noisy than I had expected.  Just before the first net I read there had been a burst of solar wind.  That caused the QSB to be deeper too, especially on 40 meters.  KL7CW had the best signal on 20 meters though it was much weaker on 40. W8OV had a good signal from Texas but forecast cooler, wetter weather.  77 degrees and sunny sounded nice.  On 40 meters we mentioned ignoring the siren call of hardware stores in the spring.  So many plans ...

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

NO8V - John - MI

W0CZ - Ken - ND

KL7CW - Rick - AK

W8OV - Dave - TX

K4TO - Dave - KY

N8ZR - Harry - WV

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0000z:

KL7CW - Rick - AK

K6PJV - Dale - CA

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

   Rick told us he still had two feet of snow.  The Coast Range has lost almost all of its snow while the Cascades are still white with it.  K4TO had the best weather of the lot with more on the way.  I bet he'll be stringing more antennas soon.

   The forest is filling with more birds.  The rodents are awake trimming the new growth.  A pileated woodpecker is chipping his way into one of the cedar trees.  They're finding the standing dead trees left after the thin.  The first berry bushes are blooming too.

   Until next week stay well & 73,

       Kevin.  KD5ONS


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