What Stuart says about radials is quite true, but there is another important
reason for a tuned radial (or other ground connection) other than to improve
the efficiency of an end-fed wire. 

Consider the end-fed dipole; it's probably the most extreme example of what
I'm talking about. Fed at the end, a dipole (1/2 wave radiator) presents a
very high impedance to the source. Hence, the RF voltage at the feed point
will be very high. Without a ground on the ATU and rig, the whole rig will
tend to "float" at a high RF voltage. At QRP you may not notice any RF
"bites" or "burns" (although you certainly can get burns at less than 5
watts under the right conditions) but other problems abound. RF gets into
the controllers and other logic in the rig causing erratic operation, and
just touching the rig may detune the whole system, because of your body
capacity to ground. 

An electrically 1/4 wave long "radial"  connected to the rig ground can
prevent these problems since a 1/4 wave wire has an impedance of only 35
ohms. That means that the rig case and ground will see an impedance of only
35 ohms, maximum, to ground even though the feed point at the "hot" side of
the antenna connection may be looking into thousands of ohms. 

The Elecraft ATUs, like most tuners, can't handle the very high impedance of
an end-fed dipole. Still, they can match to a sufficiently-high impedance
that RF on the rig can easily become a problem, as many have reported here
on the reflector. 

Usually a 1/4 wave long wire, elevated a few feet off the ground (over 6
feet if it's where people might walk into it) is a good investment. Another
approach, as Stuart observed, is a wire on the ground that will capacitively
couple to it and help hold the RF voltage on the rig down. 


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