I remember the day when 1000 Hz readout was considered very good.  That
got you close enough that you could find the net or your scheduled QSO.
Xtal calibrators told us where the band edges were and we were in good

Then came digital displays with resolution to 100 Hz.  Wow!  Was that
slick.  Now our rigs display frequency to 10 Hz.

I'm not convinced having that additional resolution is worthwhile.  It
may even be distracting.  We tune WWV, the display says 9.999.94 and
somehow we feel we're off frequency.

Do you remember the days when we tuned in a signal based on how it
sounded rather than based on what the display said?

- Keith KD1E -
- K2 5411 -

-----Original Message-----
From: Solosko, Robert B (Bob)

... Switching to 80m and tuning to the W1AW frequency, ... I had to tune
up about 20 Hz to be in the center of the CW tuning indicator band
width. On one of the other bands ... the difference ... was even more
noticeable, ... about 40Hz. 
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