Unless I'm misunderstanding something here, the answer to your question is pretty basic.  There is a kink in the curve where the AGC kicks in.  Signals that traverse that kink see a nonlinearity.

I set the threshhold pretty high, and I set the slope as low as I can in order to minimize the amount of that kink.

Dave  AB7E

On 7/2/2020 5:09 PM, Wes wrote:
Please explain to me where this non-linearity is generated. If 1 volt of RF (really I-F) gain reduction causes 10 dB of gain reduction, prey tell what difference does it make if the 1 volt is generated by an AGC circuit or a manual control?  Either way, *all* signals are reduced 10 dB. What's non-linear about that?

Wes  N7WS

On 7/2/2020 3:18 PM, David Gilbert wrote:

What are your AGC settings?  I have a K3 with the new synths and I use almost the least AGC possible ... THR = 12 and SLP = 000.

AGC creates non-linearity, the non-linearity is most pronounced at the signal level where it kicks in, and non-linearity creates mixing.  Do the math for the sum and difference frequencies when you have multiple signals very close to each other within the receive passband.

Dave  AB7E

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