There is an optimizing mod to one toroid for the K2 IF you are going to work
at 5 watts or less, maximum. It'll reduce the xmit current a bit to help
those using he QRP K2 with internal batteries. The flip side is that the rig
is less efficient at higher levels. 

It's on the Elecraft web site ( under Builder's Resources.


-----Original Message-----
Hi All

Ser Nr 5544 is now alive and kicking.

When doing the Align/Test P III with the referenced power level setting of
10.0W I find the current level hovering around the upper limit of the
recommended range at 2.0 amps although I did not see any Hi Current

All the RX/TX alignment also seems OK. Is there any published tables on
typical performance variance across the bands regarding signal level in for
say S9 or MDS? or typical power levels out?

This leads me to believe that some optimising can possibly be done, or I
have some stages slightly off the intended specs.

I was sure I seen some posts previously on alternate winding of the
transformers in the TX chain from T1 onwards but I am getting way to may
hits from the 11k messages I have archived from this list to be able to
filter them down easily.

Any information appreciated.


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