On Sunday 16 July 2006 at 2320 Ed (W0YK) wrote ...

Gary, what is involved to upgrade?  Just order the new Rev. G PCB blanks?
Ed - W0YK

Hi Ed,

    Nice to hear from you.  I recall that you were one of our earliest “Plug
& Play Ready” builders.  No doubt then, you have already built up your
headers and are using them.  In this case, you ought to get all of the parts
to populate the rev. G board.  This would be our “rev. G Basic Header Kit”.

    However, if you have a well stocked junk box and already have all of the
required parts, then you might be able to get by with just the bare board.
This would be our “rev. G Bare Boards Only”.

    Something else to consider is whether you purchased our printed User’s
Guide with your first order.  If you did then you already have the neat
color center-fold K2 un-module diagram.  (It's far nicer when professionally
printed, versus what an Ink-Jet printer can do.)  If you didn’t get it the
first time, then you might want to consider getting the printed manual as
well.  This would be our “rev. G Deluxe Header Kit”.

    I hope this answers your question.  Again, very nice to hear from you.

Gary, KI4GGX
K2 #4067

P.S.  The rev. G CAD images on our www.unpcbs.com/ website are now slightly
out of date.  A few days ago I changed our UN-K60XV making it more like the
actual K60XV.  These changes entailed swapping the copper layers so the
ground-plane is on top, and the 4.7 pF cap is on the bottom.  This subtle
change makes the UN-K60XV’s top silkscreen far less cluttered.  Updated CAD
images should be online within a few days.  (I create these images manually,
so they take a while to produce.)  The next ones will have about 50% higher

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