Someone recently posted ...

... I will not put myself in the position of hawking an outside vendor's
product, for the vendor's profit, to my ham radio friends ...


    Our bulk mailing to all builders-for-hire was intended as a service to
builders who don't receive Reflector posts by email.

    For the record, I have devoted thousands of hours to the development of
the Rework Eliminator(TM) product (PCB, documentation, and website) and to
both pre-and-post sale customer support.  I do this for the benefit of K2
owners and for the learning experience it provides.

    Other than receiving a free deluxe header kit, neither Ken nor myself
have made any profit from this venture.  Rather, we price our products as
low as possibly so we won't loose money.

    Our hope with our rev. G sale was that with sufficient interest, we
could keep our prices at this new half-price level.  However, at our current
sales volume, Ken and I have lost $19 on every board sold.

    Without sufficient interest, will have to cancel this product and issue
a refund our new rev. G board customers.

Gary, KI4GGX
K2 #4067

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