Yesterday afternoon, I thought the bottom had dropped out of the bands, because everything was puny weak, yet I was still working people with about the usual success rate.  After I finished the contest, I dug out my XG3, and checked the sensitivity on each band - in all cases, 160-10, the K3 S-meter was reading about S6, on the -73 dBm output setting.  Previously it has read S-9 as intended. Transmit is completely normal.  Subjectively, my long-present line noise to the west is no longer audible

I've checked for inadvertent mis-setting of various controls, thinking that it might be operator error, but haven't found anything.  Is it likely that something has died in the receive path?  Should I get on the phone to Elecraft Support?  Of course, I'll box it up and send it to them if that is indicated, but would hope to avoid a month or more off the air.


73, Pete N4ZR
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