
I just installed a new X1 XTAL 18.432, as a part of upgrading
the KPA100. I used components obtained locally.
Stability of KPA100 is improved, at least it stopped oscillating
on 17m band when I use SSB.

But Now I find "lots" of spurs.

Here is a list:

18.080, 21.415, 24.903, 24.984, 28.015, 28.260, 28.671, 29.314

these are definetly from X1 as the freq shifts when PA is turned on
by setting the power >10w.

Any suggestions

73, Matti
   Marteinn Sverrisson    TF3MA
          Langitangi 2    Internet: tf3ma [at] raunvis [dot] hi [dot] is
        270 Mosfellsbær   http://www.raunvis.hi.is/~tf3ma
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