Got my new K4 - just before FD, so naturally hauled it out and ran it all day 
and night.....It is a real thing of beauty and grace - for sure. A pleasure to 
operate and many. many, excellent features. Well worth the money and wait.  
Gonna take a little while to get to know it well. Its a good thing that the 
basic control is so similar to the K3.
Here is a bit of information that may be of interest to those thinking about 
the K4HD.We were operating the K4, CW (BTW - fabulous QSK!) on a 40M ground 
plane antenna about 150 ft from a station on  40M SSB using an inverted vee 
antenna.. The SSB station was a K3 (new synth) at 100 watts. S-meters both 
pegged when tuned to each other - with no damage occurring to either. radio. 
The K4 (version 13 software delivered in it) was showing a red + sign, 
indicating A/D overload and was producing some obvious "splatter" from the 
headset on CW frequencies. By cranking in attenuation we found the splatter 
would disappear with 9 to 15 dB. There was no other discernable artifact - like 
pumping of AGC in either case.  We put another  K3 right on top of the K4 - 
tuned to the CW frequencies, switched the antenna - and no splatter. Then 
turned off the K3 and operated all day and night with the K4 - what a pleasure. 
So, conclusions... no surprises. The direct sampling SDR is not quite as robust 
as the superhet. Just as the Sherwood data shows.  I think if we had been able 
to load the version 18 firmware before field day - we would have never known 
the SSB station was on the air. I wish we could have tried that.
This is not a rigorous investigation at all. No notes were taken or 
measurements made. - please  don't beat up the messenger. This is just a single 
anecdotal experience. IMHO - a multi-multi contest station might want the HD 
version, maybe? Rest of us - not so sure.
73, Bruce Whitney  W8RA

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