
I don’t disagree with you at all, but I do want to make a comment. After having 
used coax, “open wire” line, and window line in several locations I think I can 
add to the discussion. Many folks have antenna tuners that “remember” the L/C 
combination for “segments” of each band they operate on. Those memories are 
quite handy when one is moving about the bands - change frequency and the tuner 
dutifully sets the L/C combination to match what was used the last time at that 

Unfortunately, there is a big difference in those settings between wet and dry 
window line. If you’ve “trained” your tuner for a bazillion segments across 
each ham band in dry conditions, you can rest assured that when it is 
pouring-ass raining outside those settings go out the window (no pun intended). 
It is for that reason that, back at my previous QTH in Northern California, I 
removed 110 feet of window line feeder and replaced it with open wire line on 
my 88 foot long doublet. I had put the antenna up with window line in the 
summer and all was fine - until the rainy season started. After the rains 
started I could forget using the stored memories in my various “auto tuners”. 

So, yes - window line is OK but be prepared to re “tune” your match when the 
window line gets wet. I, for one, will not use the stuff again.

Jim Bennett / K7TXA
Eagle, ID

> On Jan 14, 2022, at 11:00 AM, Al Lorona <> wrote:
> Whenever somebody mentions "window line" here, one of the first objections 
> raised is that "when it gets wet, it has very high loss". 
> The landmark paper cited is by Wes Stewart, N7WS, which can be found here: 
> .
> I'm not trying to discredit that paper in any way, but I'd like to point out 
> two things to keep in mind the next time you hear someone completely and 
> summarily dismiss window line on the grounds that it has "high loss when 
> wet", and citing that paper:
> 1. You should note that Wes took measurements at 50 MHz. Window line is 
> rarely used at that frequency, and anyway the loss has to be extrapolated 
> back down to the HF region. For instance, if wet window line has a loss of 
> 5.2 dB at 50 MHz, the loss at 10 MHz is only 2.3 dB and at 3.5 MHz is 1.4 dB. 
> (See the paper for the equation to extrapolate to another frequency.) 1.4 dB 
> sounds a heck of a lot better than 5.2, and is on par with 100 feet of the 
> best coax you can buy. (We are talking only about matched line loss here, and 
> ignoring additional loss due to SWR.) So that's the first thing.
> 2. Wes's method involved the now legendary use of a "wetting agent" (I assume 
> soap of some kind) added to the water he sprayed onto his 12-foot sample of 
> transmission line to simulate rainy conditions on weathered line. To be fair, 
> Wes himself cautioned that this probably created a worst-case scenario but 
> judging from other references on the web this wetting agent has been blamed 
> for excessively inflating the loss to the point of questioning the relevance 
> of the experiment. DJ0IP and G3TXQ have both claimed that (see 
> ).  In G3TXQ's case, he was able to 
> replicate Wes's results by using "a few drops of washing-up liquid" but he 
> states, "It is not clear whether the high losses associated with using the 
> wetting agent were due to the more complete wetting of the line or to some 
> electrical properties of the agent. Nor is it clear how well this test 
> represents conditions that will be experienced in the 'real world'."
> What's happening to the line when it gets wet, and why should it's 
> characteristics change at all? To answer this, understand that in balanced 
> line, the energy is carried in the field between the conductors. Window line 
> has mostly polyethylene (PE) between the wires which has a dielectric 
> constant of 2.3, as opposed to air's which is 1.0. Spraying water-- which has 
> a dielectric constant of 80-- onto PE insulation changes the material 
> properties between the conductors and, thus, the capacitance. As capacitance 
> changes, so does  everything else: velocity factor, impedance, and loss. One 
> thing saving us from a catastrophic change in properties is that water tends 
> to bead up and remain as droplets, and droplets don't like to stay connected 
> with other droplets. So if you looked at a path perpendicularly across the 
> surface of the line, you'd see individual, sparse drops rather than a 
> continuous film of water.
> I couldn't find the dielectric constant of soapy water anywhere on the web -- 
> but let's assume that the number is close to that of pure water: 80. If you 
> could somehow give the field a *continuous* path of water from one side to 
> the other on the window line, you'd have significantly altered the dielectric 
> constant of the PE; you'd essentially have added a new "path" in "parallel" 
> with the PE with a dielectric constant some 35 times higher. Although it 
> would be a very thin layer, it nonetheless could have a significant effect, 
> as N7WS and G3TXQ have shown.
> We also have an important data point from Bob, K4TAX, showing that the loss 
> of Bob's window line is pretty much unaffected by rain, although the 
> electrical length does change. I'll address why this might be later on, but 
> the point is that this is credible, measured data. Why are these data so 
> different?
> I did discover that soapy water's pH is above 10 -- possibly as high as 12-- 
> indicating that there are abundant salts present, probably sodium and/or 
> potassium. These dissolved salts strongly ionize the water, greatly 
> increasing its conductivity (and perhaps changing its other electromagnetic 
> characteristics). On the other hand, rain water is essentially pure, much 
> closer to distilled water, with relatively few contaminants capable of being 
> ionized. (See 
> Having said all of this, when you study the G3TXQ paper I mentioned earlier, 
> there's a glaring data point: Steve measured nearly constant, high loss, 
> using soapy water, *from 7 through 30 MHz*. This confirms that an effect of 
> the soap is swamping out everything else. In other words, there's something 
> *in the soap itself* that is skewing the measurements beyond its intended 
> purpose. He just wanted the soap to make the water cling better, but it ended 
> up perturbing the very thing he was trying to measure (loss) way too much. 
> It's a little bit like taking a lot of vitamin D for health, which causes you 
> to become constipated!
> My conclusion is that using soap to make the water cling to the window line 
> was a brilliant idea but may have introduced much more error into the 
> measurement. I believe the trend is correct -- that clinging water will 
> increase loss-- but the absolute numbers aren't as realistic. G3TXQ's data 
> also shows loss he measured during moderate rainfall, but the increase is 
> from about 0.2 dB to 0.35 dB per 100 feet at 10 MHz. This is inconsequential 
> at the other end of the QSO, and is still far better than the best coax you 
> can buy.
> I guess one question is, as window line ages and gets attacked by smog, 
> becomes dirtier and more sun-baked, will it in fact support a continuous film 
> of water in a rainstorm like soapy water does? Perhaps, in the Arizona desert 
> or in hot and smoggy Los Angeles? And possibly not in another place that gets 
> many times more rain? Do hams have to start waxing their transmission lines?! 
> I forgot to ask Bob the age of his line, but if it's relatively new, maybe 
> it's still able to shed water effectively? Maybe Bob lives in an area where 
> stuff left outside stays relatively clean? Maybe all window line isn't 
> equal... maybe some PE is better than others?  I don't know the answers to 
> any of these questions.
> We may prefer open-wire line (or coax) to window line for good reasons, but I 
> believe it's rash to dismiss window line on the basis of "its loss goes way 
> up when wet". Up, yes. Way up? Probably not. High enough to make a big 
> difference? I doubt it. In planning a new antenna installation, hams should 
> choose the most convenient transmission line for their needs, and should not 
> feel guilty nor apprehensive for choosing window line if they see fit to do 
> so.
> Al  W6LX/4
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