The HP-35 (1972) and the HP 35s (2007) are two radically different machines.
I was an EE undergrad at Georgia Tech when the HP-35 was introduced in 1972 at 
$400 ($2750 in 2022).  Professors generally did not allow their use on tests 
because so very few students (and professors) could afford them.
I have always preferred RPN-entry machines, but I could not afford one for more 
than two years after graduation.
The finest pure RPN (not RPL) machine ever made is the HP-42S (1988-1995).  It 
still brings prices above $300 on eBay and is worth it.
Thomas Okken's Free42 is the finest emulation of an HP RPN scientific 
calculator that has ever been available.  It is available for all major phone 
and computer platforms.  It's free, but donations are welcome and well deserved.
Mike / KK5F
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Hale 
Sent: Jan 29, 2022 8:11 PM
To: Eric Garner 
Cc: Reflector Elecraft 
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] RPN Calc App For Android
First time posting to the reflector. Please forgive any errors.
I found this little inquiry and the resulting responses fascinating.
I'm old enough that:
(1) I had to use a slide rule in college chemistry classes, because
new-fangled electronic calculators were not allowed
(2) I learned RPN as part of understanding the FORTRAN compiler on an IBM
(3) I had to debug the early Intel Fortran-80 compiler on their 8008 MDS
system, because it was generating bad code
(4) I have an HP 35s RPN calculator as my "desk calculator," along with a
10" Post 1460 Versalog slide rule, and a 10" Sun Hemmi 255 slide rule
(5) I keep a 5" Pickett N600-ES slide rule (the "Apollo" slide rule) and a
5" Nestler Polymath-Duplex slide rule in my desk pencil holder
(6) I have the "Pocket Slide Rule Expert" app from on my
iPhone (8 SE, ported from 4, because AT&T won't support the 4 anymore)
Sorry I can't help much with Android questions (never had one), but I did
enjoy the discussion of RPN and slide rules!
Frank KN6QEK
On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 10:35 AM Eric Garner wrote:
> I use Droid48. It's a pretty faithful recreation of the HP48 and has a
> pocket calculator style interface too (but it's still RPN)
> Eric KI7LTT
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2022, 12:51 PM Jim Brown
> wrote:
> > The HP41 emulator I've used for years on older phones isn't compatible
> > with my new one. I still own a few simple RPN calcs, but the phone is
> > always in my pocket. Recommendations?
> >
> > Thanks and 73, Jim
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