Release 29 of K4 software is now available for download. You can read the 
release notes below, or from within the UPDATE function at the radio itself.

NOTE: If the UPDATE function doesn't succeed at downloading the new software on 
the first try, please try a second time. We're working to improve this 

This release will be of particular interest to SSB operators, since it adds a 
new, highly effective speech compression algorithm and CESSB (control-envelope 
SSB). The combination of the two provides as much as 8 dB of increase in 
average talk power. This should be very useful for those participating in the 
CQ WPX SSB contest this weekend.

CW operators will want to try out the new, much tighter filters for bandwidths 
of 50/100/150/200 Hz. In field testing, these have proven to provide a huge 
advantage in heavy QRM.


==== RELEASE 29 ====

March 22, 2022

NOTE:  The RX DVR feature (AF REC/AF PLAY) has been deferred until the next 
software release in order to complete more extensive testing.


ENHANCED SPEECH COMPRESSION & CESSB:  Speech compression has been dramatically 
improved. Controlled Envelope Single Sideband (CESSB) has also been 
implemented. Together, these boost average talk power by up to 8 dB, with 
virtually no RF overshoot or in-band distortion. Any nonzero setting of CMP 
also engages CESSB. Compression also now applies to Extended Single Sideband 
(wide transmit bandwidths).  

TX NOISE GATE:  This feature is available in all voice modes. Set up using 
MENU:TX Noise Gate Threshold. Default is OFF. If a non-zero value is selected, 
mic audio will be suppressed during transmit when it is below the given 

NEW NARROW CW FILTERS:  We've added new CW filtering for the 50/100/150/200 Hz 
settings -- the highest-performance narrow filters we've ever offered. These 
filters have much steeper skirts, yet exhibit minimal ringing. They're enabled 
by default, but can be turned off using the RX CW IIR Filters menu entry. When 
they're off, the filters will be the same as they are now (FIR). These filters 
are centered on 50 Hz pitch increments, which means that the narrowest filter 
width (50 Hz) slightly favors 50 Hz increments of the sidetone PITCH setting. 
For example, if you were using a 530 Hz sidetone, consider using 500 or 550 Hz 

ALL-MODE SQUELCH:  Main and sub receiver squelch can now be used in all modes. 
The settings are independent.

NOISE BLANKER QRM FILTERING:  All noise blankers can be compromised by strong 
nearby signals. If you hear artifacts, use the NB LEVEL control to turn NB QRM 
filtering on, then retry different NB levels. There are 3 NB filter settings:

        NARROW: K4 bases NB filter on regular RX bandwidth (as low as 1 kHz)
        WIDE:   K4 applies a 5 kHz NB filter
        NONE:   pre-NB filtering off (BW ahead of NB ~24 kHz) 

NOTE: The NARROW and WIDE settings may reduce effectiveness on some noise 
types, so use NONE when there's no QRM.

NEW AM DEMODULATOR:  Our new AM demodulator provides excellent audio fidelity, 
with up to 5 kHz audio bandwidth and enhanced pre-demodulator filtering.


VFO CURSOR OFF-SCREEN ICONS:  The panadapter now provides color-coded arrows 
(A=blue, B=green) that appear if the associated VFO frequency is off-screen. 
The arrow shows the off-screen direction.

VFO COARSE TUNING RATES (PER-MODE):  Added a new menu entry, VFO Coarse Tuning, 
that specifies which of four per-mode tuning rates is to be used when the KHZ 
switch function is selected. (This is equivalent to the K3's COARSE switch 
function.) For example, in SSB mode, the "KHZ" tuning rate options are 0.1, 
0.5, 1.0, and 2.5 kHz. When the user-specified KHZ rate is selected, the VFO 
digit underline changes from white to gold. These selections also apply to the 
RIT control whenever RIT is *OFF* and MENU:RIT Knob Alt Function is set to VFO 
CRS. Tapping VFO digits to select a tuning rate overrides the KHZ tuning rate.

NEW TRANSMIT MONITOR LINE-OUT MODES:  Menu entry "TX Monitor Level, Line Out" 
sets the level of the transmit monitor signal (sidetone or voice) at the LINE 
OUT analog jack as well as digital line out (USB-B jack). At the default 
setting ("=MON"), the LINE OUT TX monitor level reflects the setting of the 
regular XMTR-MON knob function. Rotating VFO A counter-clockwise from here will 
select "OFF" mode (no TX monitor line out signal). The other available settings 
(numeric) will scale the LINE OUT transmit monitor function upward, which is 
useful for some external devices such as audio recorders. (These values will 
also prevent K4 switch tones from being heard at LINE OUT.) Max TX monitor LINE 
OUT level is about 2 Vpp.

TX BAR GRAPH FLICKER ELIMINATED:  Previously, the power and SWR bar graphs 
exhibited rapid cycling or flickering in voice modes.

VOX-OFF WARNING IN CW MODE:  If you send CW with VOX turned off (and PTT/XMIT 
not asserted), you'll now get a warning about not putting out any RF. You may 
ignore the warning if you're simply testing the keyer, sidetones, etc.

STUCK-KEY WARNINGS:  Individual warnings are provided for all "stuck-key" 
situations on power-up, including PTT, KEY IN, DOT, and DASH.

its various supply voltages and temperature. To see these, use Status/All Param.

AM/FM VOX DELAY CORRECTED: These modes now use the voice VOX delay setting.


(Refer to rev. C1 or later of the K4 Programmer's Reference)

NB COMMAND CHANGE:  The NB command format has changed to NBnnmf, where nn is 
the NB level, m is 0/1 (off/on), and f is the pre-NB filter mode (0=NONE, 
1=NARROW, 2=WIDE). See description of filter settings above.

        AG/     AF gain toggle
        BL      AF balance
        DA      digital audio
        DW      data TX bandwidth (DATA & AFSK modes)
        PB      DVR playback
        VT$     VFO tuning step
        #CUR$   VFO Cursor Display Mode
        #PKM/   toggle panadapter peak mode
        #VFA/B  added toggle commands

ME43 COMMAND FIXED:  This now correctly returns the radio's IP address.


XT/ TOGGLE COMMAND FIXED:  This command now correctly toggles XIT on/off.

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