-----Original Message from Jim, N2EY-----
>... it should be remembered that all of this is subjective.
>That doesn't mean it's "right" or "wrong", ...

Absolutely.  Right on.  One of the things I loved about the K2, was the
clean audio.  It was one of the main factors that allowed me to sell my
very nice Omni V and replace it with a K2.  The K2 just sounded so much
better.  So not only is much of this subjective, but it all depends on
what you're comparing it against.

> ...2B sold for a bit under $300 way back 40+ years ago.
>Adjust the 2B's cost for inflation, and it's well over
>the cost of a fully loaded K2/100.

And you've hit on one of the things that is SO ABSOLUTELY AMAZING about
the K2.  It gives such fabulous performance for such a low price.  I'm
looking at a $600 transceiver that does a better job as a receiver than
a top-tier (for it's day) dedicated receiver.  And as I've compared the
K2 to other more modern rigs, the K2's prowess shines even greater.

I loaned my K2 to a friend.  He used it for a week.  Came back and his
first comment was "wow, I love that receiver".  He didn't really know
what Elecraft was.  Now he's talking about building a K2 when the winter
months come.

- Keith KD1E -
- K2 5411 -
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