I am very impressed with the K2 RCVR and DSP. I didn't really expect much DX on 40M but usually around 11:30 pm (0330 UTC) and around 7005 KHz lots of European stations from Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine to France, Sweden, Germany. But last night I heard 9J2BO, Brian, in Zambia. No QSO but impressive nonetheless (to me anyway).

I have heard some report dissatisfaction with DSP in the K2. Here's what I do. I use wide open bandwidth and no DSP until I find a weak DX station. I tighten up the XFIL and then apply the DSP. (Frankly, I don't usually use the AFIL much ... it seems a bit redundant, even though the AF filtering is different than the XFIL.)

I find the DSP usually makes a very large difference in the noise floor and the weak signal is much more discernible.

My two cents worth,

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