What do you think of this - one transistor couple of diodes and resistors which all fit in the computer serial port plug. So I plug the serial port plug into the computer Com port and the other end is a straight key (non-stereo) phone plug. Actually that's not technically true. The Argo V requires a stereo plug but you just use the shaft and tip, leaving the ring connection empty. You can wire the rig end as required.

Here is the Link:
Scroll about half way down and you'll see the circuit. I've seen some that use even less parts - one transistor, a diode and resistor. But this one works for me. I used the larger side serial plug housing (for 9 pin) available at Radio shack and everything fit inside. There is a Ham who also makes these switch "commercially" in that he charges about $30.00 each. His are finished a little nicer and have a phone jack at the plug. So you plug a wire into it and into your rig. If you are interested I can look up his link. But you can do this yourself in about 15 minutes and a few dollars in parts.

Good luck and 73,
PS: The companion program, CWGET, which translates audio cw into text - and is not free - is also pretty good. I haven't surveyed them all but it was the best of 3 or 4 I've seen.

Note that as a bonus, the CWType program is free.
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