Unless you're going to double your power, it's hardly worth the effort from
a technical point of view. Doubling the power raises you signal by what is
considered by communications specialists to be a "just barely discernable
change" in an on-air signal. (Yes, I know that is the definition of one
decibel under audio laboratory conditions, but communications engineers have
long used 3 dB or a 2:1 power change as the standard for a barely
discernable change in "on air" conditions where there is some QSB, always
some background QRN, etc. )

A 3 dB power change (2:1 change in power) is also about 1/2 of one S-unit on
most meters. 

Sure, it's good practice to pursue good efficiency and take steps not to
waste power, but the effect of a change like this are, at best, miniscule.

Now if it stirs up the Mojo in the KX1 because it *feels* like it's getting
out better with another half watt or so, that's another story. 


-----Original Message-----



While reading the thread re: charging batteries I saw the note re: adjusting
the Astron.  

It occured to me that I could bump the ouput up from 13.8 to the "legal
limit" for my KX1.  The goal of course is "more power" out!


Is this a bad idea?  I say "bad" because I know that many will say that
small increases in power are not of much value given the nature of decibels
and the human hear, but unless this is a "bad" idea, I prefer to experiment
and see what results I get!


The ads for my RS-70M say it is adjustabe and my schematic shows a 20K ohm
pot on the input to the V meter  and a 500 ohm pot on the input to the I
meter.  I have not popped the top of the ps yet so I don't know what visual
inspection will reveal.  After I get some feedback on my idea I'll take a
look and see what I can do!


BTW, my Kenwood TS-570D specifies 13.8 VDC plus or minus 15%.  This gives me
a ceiling on 15.87.  I am only going to 14.2 for KX1!  I run them both of
the RS-70M when I am operating from home.



Jack, AE6GC


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