Count me as another K2 SS-er.  I see that Tom and I did work, but not the
others who have posted here so far.

My Score:  532 Q's in 79 sections in 18 hours without 80 meters.  Next
year....I hope to have a pair of K2's running (unless there is K3 by

I'll try SS ssb, but since I don't have SSB in my K2, guess it will be my
FT817 for a "just for fun" effort.

So...preaching to the choir....Near the end of my effort in SS, I swapped
out the K2 and plugged in my vererable TS940SAT which I have used
successfully for decades (of contesting).  I have more than my share of QRP
wins in ARRL and CQWWDX and WPX (USA and World), including existing all-time

OMG!  What a difference on 40!!  No background garbage, clean signals, no
"mush" audio, easy separation of signals (and my 940 has a pair of cascaded
500's).  What a GREAT rig those Aptos guys put together.  I did miss the
ability to instantly zero the RIT.

If you don't compare rig DURING A CONTEST, then you'll never know what you
have.  I am SOLD.  Of course, I have not tried out the 7800 or FT9000, but
then again, I haven't taken a Rolls for a test drive either.  The K2 is the
deal of the century (at least for cw).

de Doug KR2Q
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