I am building a BC-Band Energy-Reject Filter as described in the 1990 ARRL 
Handbook and February 1978 QST for an old SW receiver. This filter, designed 
by Ed Wetherhold, N3NQN, offers about 60 db of rejection of BC band signals 
yet will still pass 160 meter signals with an insertion loss of only 0.8 dB.

I would like to use the same latching relays that Elecraft uses in the K2 to 
switch the filter in and out.

I wonder what the isolation is for these relays at MF/HF frequencies. The 
relays used by Elecraft (Omron G6HU-2) are DPDT and a single relay could 
switch both input and output, but I am concerned that the isolation between 
the input and output would be comprised by the proximity of the input and 
output connections and contacts.

I could also use one relay at the input side of the filter and another relay 
at the output side of the filter which should have better isolation.

Please email me your comments. Thanks!

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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