
Paul Harden N5AN has written good articles on the use of the oscilloscope.
One can be found in text format in the QRP-L archives at - I know there are
other places where this info appears, but I don't have handy references at
the moment.

If you are doing nothing but observing RF voltages with your 'scope you
might be able to get by with your 20 MHz 'scope, but I recommend a 100 MHz

As for buying an oscilloscope, I highly recommend purchasing one from Bob
Garcia.  He is known as 'Mr. Scope' and frequents many of the hamfests in
the Southeast (he lives in GA).  I have recently have had dealings with him
and can say that he is more than fair both in price and his manner of doing
business.  You can email him at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask him
what he has available.

To make good use of the 'scope without loading the circuit under test, you
will need some good 10X scope probes.  The probes have a frequency rating
too and should be rated for 100 MHz or higher for use in the HF ham band

Regarding frequency ratings of probes and 'scopes - the rated frequency is
the point where the response drops off by 3 dB, so 100 MHz will provide good
calibrated readings at 1/10th of the frequency rating and is quite usable up
to 1/3 the frequency rating.  In other words, the response of a 100 MHz
'scope will be quite accurate through 10 MHz and reasonably accurate at 30
MHz, but will drop off significantly above 30 MHz.  You will still be able
to use the 'scope up to its frequency limit (and maybe above), but you
should not trust the voltage measurements made with it at those limits (the
waveforms may show some distortion at the limits too).


> -----Original Message-----
> I have no formal electronics training. just what I learned along the way
> as a ham for 45 years.  I am interesting in learning about and how to
> use oscilloscopes.  I would like to learn how to trace and debug digital
> as well as analog radio circuits.
> I'm have an old Elenco 1251 dual-trace 20mhz.  No idea how well it works
> or how well calibrated.  I was thinking of finding something a little
> newer and maybe better bandwidth.
> Any recommendations on a good used scope?  Any thoughts on any books
> that might provide a useful overview of using a scope to debug rf and
> digital problems?
> Any assistance gratefully appreciated,
> 73, Doug -- KØDXV

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