So the guys I hang out with have been setting up beverage antennas for 160m
in preparation for several contests this winter. We have an inverted L for
transmit and have plans for another transmit antenna later. The plan was for
one of the guys to bring his TS-940 and Alpha amplifier. I mentioned my K2
and they said "Sure, bring it along, it would be interesting to give it a
try if we get a chance."

So I show up late on Friday night to find the guys packing up radios. Seems
there was some kind of problem with the transmit antenna which ruled out
using the Alpha and would require a tuner. And what do you know, the tuner
they had either wouldn't or couldn't tune 160m. 

I set up K2/100 #4941 with KAT100, my microHam microKeyer and laptop running
WriteLog, all integrated with the K2 and in just a few minutes we're on the
air. The KAT100 said the antenna was 3:1 to start with but quickly tuned it
to 1:1.

Apparently they hadn't really been able to tell the difference between
receiving on the transmit antenna vs. receiving on the beverage with the
940. They questioned whether the beverage was working right. A flick of the
RANT menu item on the K2 demonstrated just what we wanted to hear: the
overall volume level was higher with the inverted L but the noise level was
significantly lower with the beverage. 

First CQ we hear is a little weak and there's a pile-up for him. "You'll
never break through the pile-up with only 100W." (Remember 100W is QRP to
these guys.) I toss our call into the pile and the response is immediate. 

About now was the first of what was to be several comments from the owner of
the 940 throughout the night, who admitted, "My radio sucks."

You guys know the story. It's a joy to be able to turn on the 100 hz filter
and just work your way up the band working everyone you can hear. There were
2 or 3 DX stations that we could hear but who weren't hearing us or any of
the stations we could hear calling them. Not unexpected on this band where a
good receive antenna is well worth the trouble.

Anyway there aren't many CW ops in our group so operating time was limited
but we made about 450 Qs and 70 sections.

Oh and here's the kicker: I hadn't mentioned when I offered to bring the rig
that I hadn't yet built the 160m board for it. I was able to add 160m and a
separate receive antenna and have it working in just a couple hours. What a
wonderful little radio!

K2/100 #4941
K1 #1966
KX1 #1499

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