David, thanks. I think I have sorted it all, at least on CW! I have just re-aligned with the Spectrograph. The MP has on offset in the display I recall, so displayed is actual frequency, (I think!)

Now, simulating a QSO, ie transmitting on K2 and tuning in on MP, then txing on MP and listening on K2, I hear each signal without retuning, and as it happens both indicate the same freq. I am now convinced that I was transmitting 1 KHz lower before, which explains why I was calling VQ9JC on his tx freq even though I had XIT in, and wasn't being heard by NO2R who was listening co-channel.

Apologies to everyone for the numerous emails, thanks for all the advice. A learning curve!

Chris G3SJJ

David Pratt wrote:
Chris -
Do not be misled by the fact that on CW the K2 transmits on the frequency as displayed, whereas many of the oriental black boxes transmit a fixed number of Hz (maybe 600Hz) different to the displayed frequency to give the required offset.

I have encountered a similar problem with working black boxes on 144MHz with my K2/KXV144 combination.

I find that the best way is to call on the K2 and then tune the black box for a suitable beat note. You'll find that the two displays will differ by about 600Hz.

73 de David G4DMP/G3KEP

OK, I think I have sussed the problem. Now I need the solution, which I suspect is re-alignment.

- K2 tuned to 3500, FT1000MP tuned to 3500.
- Transmit on K2 and hear signal on FT1kMP, within 40Hz.
- Transmit on MP
- Nothing heard on K2
- Tune around and signal audible on 3498.90   --- 1100Hz low

Suspect I have the BFO on the wrong side.  Back to the drawing board!

Chris G3SJJ

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