Thanks Don for the reply. I have since found that I had installed R6 before
I was suppose to so those voltages I quoted were "loaded down" not isolated.
This might further explain why I do not have a left over resistor and the
voltages being slightly low. Next issue I realize that the instructions
state that the SWR into 50 ohm 1:1 and slightly off on higher bands. Mine
shows a 1:1 until 20 meters 1.3:1 it continues to get worse until 10 meters
is 2.3:1. I have also noticed that power control is not right. With a
wattmeter inline with the 50 ohm load, power requested and indicated on the
K2 and power read on the output don't agree and get worse as frequency
increases. In most cases the power output is less than requested and
indicated on the K2. I attempted to tune a "20 meter" dipole strung around
the basement. I found the 160 and 17 meters did not tune. 15 meters tuned >
3:1. The rest tuned < 2:1. Some bands (lower primarily) the power is reduced
to 2 watts and tuned up. Other bands it looks like it is tuning up at full
power. I had to wind T1 twice during the build and I am still not sure I
wound it properly. Any more thoughts and ideas??


Richard Kent K2 5296

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