One way to keep screws in place is a drop of CA (superglue) on the thread.
Use the thin, runny kind, not the thick stuff, and put just enough on the
end of the screw to fill the threads that will engage the front panel. 

I've used superglue that way with great success in many places. It's not
strong enough to prevent the screw being removed, but it does a good job of
keeping screws from vibrating loose. 

A drop of clear fingernail polish might work, but it's not likely to stay in
the thread when it's screwed into the mating hole in the panel. I'd be
concerned that it get pushed out and onto the front panel or plastic when
the screw is inserted.

I strongly recommend *avoiding* many screw locking compounds like
"Locktite". They work fine in a metal-to-metal environment but will attack
many materials and surfaces such as many paints and plastics. And the
chemical attack may go on for months! I mistakenly used Locktite to fasten
screws on a plastic visor one time. Shortly after using it the plastic
around the screw holes started to disintegrate. But it didn't stop there.
Over several months the plastic disintegrated for several inches around the
holes (little #6 screw holes!) even though there was no sign of any chemical
on the surface of the plastic.

Ron AC7AC 

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