Well, here's what I came up with. I saw the NEMA boxes but they seemed like
overkill in size, cost, and convenience, so I went to the kitchenware aisle
at Target and found a nice tupperware-like container called Snapware. It's
billed as airtight, leakproof, freezer, fridge, and microwave safe. It's
clear plastic, about 5" x 7.5" x 2" with a nice snap-on lid. Just the right
size to hold the T1 and its balun. So I drilled the container for
connectors, mounted it on the top end of my PVC pipe, and I'm giving it a
whirl. Its location outside is in perpetual shade, so UV shouldn't be a big
issue. It's just a matter of how well it keeps out moisture. And, since the
climate here in Colorado Springs is pretty dry, I'm thinking it'll do okay.

73 de Dave NK0E

David Ek wrote:
> Gang,
> I've been trying out an antenna arrangement at my QTH that uses a design
based on the IK-STIC 2:
> http://hometown.aol.com/realhamradio2/W2IK-ANTENNA.html
> My particular version of the IK-STIC 2 eliminates the telescoping
fibergass pole in favor of a simple wire supported at the peak of my roof.
The whole works has been placed near the side of my house, somewhat
concealed from the street and neighbors.
> The antenna is fed with almost 100 ft of coax and has an Elecraft T1 tuner
and BL-1 balun at the feedpoint. I control the T1 using a switch in my shack
that's connected to the T1's jack using almost 100 ft of RG-174.
> The whole arrangement seems to work FB for my purposes, and I'm working to
make the whole installation durable enough to stand up to the elements.
> Have any of you remoted your T1? How have you enclosed it or otherwise
protected it from the weather? I've been looking around for a suitable
enclosure but nothing I've seen has really grabbed me thus far.
> 73 de Dave NK0E
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