In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John R. Lonigro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
I recently finished building the KSB2 and did the alignment on the filters. Everything seems to be working as advertised, except on transmit my voice sounds raspy. I haven't had time to dig into the problem yet, but I did try 3 separate mics and got the same result. For my test, I transmitted at 1 Watt into a dummy load while listening on my Icom 706 with headphones. My first assumption is that I simply need to tweak the transmit filter, but I'm asking if anyone else has had the same symptom that was perhaps caused by something else. For example, is it possible the two radios are simply too close to each other for a good audio test? They are on separate supplies and were about 6 feet apart during the test.

Hi John, one possibility is that the transformer of the power supply is too close to the K2, try some additional physical separation and see if that does the trick.

Trev G3ZYY
Trevor Day
Sunny Saltash

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