I think it is a sorry state, where FCC feels Morse
Code isn't needed any longer.  Frankly I don't think
the FCC is all that technical an agency any longer.
Many of their frequently-changing commissioners - seem
to be non-technical "kids", or political appointees. 
I'm sure the US Government budget treats them poorly,
compared  to the "homeland security" and DOD agencies.

I'm sure they have their complement of career staffers
- many of whom may be technical.  But the
seem to frequently disagree with the ARRL, and they
do things in opposite directions of what common
technical sense would indicate.  They don't even
agree with the IEEE - the electrical engineering
society, on some technical issues.  Digital over
power lines is one example!

I think the Blackberry digital phone message
contest of a Blackberry handheld vs 2 Morse
operators - sort of told it all.  Morse Code
won, handily!  Keyboarding cell phones lost.
(Re: Jany Leno Tonight Show - 2006)

Looks like the World Amateur Ham community will
be the ones keeping CW alive - in the near
term.  Or spy agencies worldwide.


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