Hi Folks:

Last night's propagation left a bit to be desired... actually, it left a WHOLE LOT to be desired...! Here's the dreary report...

ECN 20M 12/18/2006

N0SS      TOM       MO        K2/100    0008
K6DGW     FRED      CA        K2/100    4298
AC7AC     RON       OR        K2        1289
NK6A      DON       CA        K2/100
WA7BOC    ROGER     WA        K2        0755
W3MC      MIKE      MD
N7NLU     KARL      OR        K2        1663
VE3XL     RIC       ON        K2        0968

Thanks to Fred, K6DGW for pulling Mike, W3MC, out of the background noise. When Mike first attempted to QNI, I had my beam on the west coast, but Mike was still 569. However, by the time I went back to Mike (after checking-in N7NLU) Mike's signal had gone into the dumpster... even when I'd turned the beam back east, I was hearing only a peep from Mike... Fortunately, Fred was dogged enough to catch Mike's call after several repeated attempts. By the time the net was over, Mike was back up to 579/599 status... go figger.

To those on the east coast, and ANYWHERE other than the west coast, we really DID try to find you... I called with the beam in all directions, and Fred called several times as well... just no discernible responses. on 20M.

ECN 40M 12/18/2006

N0SS      TOM       MO        K2/100    0008
KT5X      FRED      NM        K2        0700
KT5E      JAY       CO        K2        5037

40M was even worse!!! I managed a nice pre-net QSO with Fred, KT5X, and then, had it not been for Fred and Jay (KT5E), I'd have been all by my lonesome... at least as far as I could hear. I called and called, but to what appeared to be a nearly dead band. And I had virtually NO BACKGROUND NOISE to speak of, so it wasn't because of interference... but to absorption...!

Oh well, there's always NEXT WEEK...!

THANKS to those of you who were able to check into the nets.

For those of you who might be concerned about Kevin and his well-being following the horrible winds the Pacific Northwest has experienced... here are a few comments from an e-mail recently received from Kevin...

  Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 22:13:04 -0800 (GMT-08:00)

  Just got phone service an hour ago. I am now running off
  battery power through an inverter. I have over a thousand
  messages to wade through via webmail. I am running a laptop
  which does not pull mail from the server.

  I am OK, rattled to the extreme, but OK. It took quite a while
  to stop shaking after the tree fell a few feet from where I was
  sitting. I was in the strongest part of the house and to
  windward. The tree limbs were flying over that part of the
  house but not at the windows. None were broken. Drywall and
  broken branches exploded through the new room and the rest of
  the house. Every few feet there was a hole through the roof. If
  I'd have been anywhere but where I was I most likely would have
  holes in me too!

  Power may be back on by Thursday. I have not found the other
  end of the broken G5RV or the tree which was supporting it. If
  the trees were not in straight lines I would say we had been
  hit by a tornado. Hundreds of trees are down on my twenty
  acres. The four Trojan T-105 (backup batteries) started at 12.7
  volts. They are down to 12.2 volts now after booting a desktop
  unit to tranfer files to the laptop and running the IC-706 for
  comms. I still have a J-pole up so I got my nephew to help me
  limb the hemlock and cover the roof with plastic. Luckily the
  wind and rain came to an end. It has snowed but that is not as

  The water I had standing by in five gallon buckets froze but
  that simply made it easier to transfer into the bathroom. I
  used a pan to transfer the top few inches in the toilet tank
  and the poured to the fill line. I've run out of back up water
  so am going to a beaver pond tomorrow to steal some of their's.
  I don't think they will mind because their pond is spring fed.
  I'll get a few more days of flushing water. I have cut my way
  down the mountain and have gotten more supplies. I did heat
  some water on the wood stove for shaving and washing.

  I hope to be back on the air but if priorities push the antenna
  launch date off that is the way it goes. If I get power this
  week it will ease my burden. Sure is nice to have Internet
  contact again! I will stay in touch and keep you apprised of my

  Any ideas on who to call to lift off the hemlock



Tom   N0SS

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