I am presenting a 2 hour adjunct to the "Physics of Sound" science unit for the 3rd grade at my local elementary school here in Palo Alto, CA. I have recently finished the unit with one classroom, and it went quite well. Below is the report of the first class, with which I did one hour units each on "Time and Frequency Domain Analysis" and "Communicating with Sound (but without speech)" presented one week apart.

I have a copy of the syllabus I developed (sketchy though it is) at http://wa5znu.org/2006/11/sound and it includes a link to the take-home sheet I made showing where to get the PC software for home experiments.

The first hour was on time and frequency domain, and I appeared at the appointed hour in a lab coat with the name label "Joey" sewn on. (Thanks Joey!) I brought a half-yardstick and marker, an HP audio oscillator, speaker, microphone, laptop with free PC oscilloscope program, a stringed instrument, a microphone, a toy piano, and an AM radio.

As I set up the laptop and projector, the teacher talked about pitch and loudness, a subject previously discussed. Once set up, I asked the class to demonstrate 3 of the 4 attributes (high, low, soft) and asked for ideas about why I wouldn't ask a 3rd grade class to demonstrate "loud."

I explained cycles and seconds and connected Hz to other units they had studied (degrees, centimeters, inches) through questions to the class, and asked for the range of hearing, and eventually arrived at the standard answer. I then demonstrated a 1KHz tone and we wrote down a few guesses, but I didn't disclose the answer. I showed the oscillator and explained a brief version of the HP founding story (it was started and is still here in Palo Alto: only one kid's parent worked at HP; I had expected more).

I got a few volunteers help make a mechanical oscilloscope...we taped a marker to the end of a yardstick (I used an 18" one) and set it to oscillate while another kid pulled a sheet of flip-chart paper, and the class timed it. We all observed the sine waves (a bit distorted) and many kids gasped as they saw the same shape they'd seen in the diagrams they'd been shown before in class. We then counted the cycles (9) and divided by the time in seconds (6) to ger 1.5Hz. About 5 kids could do this division, and I had previously related unit division to miles-per-hour. One kid suggested if we shortened the stick it would go faster.

Then I showed the PC scope and the oscillator with the 1KHz tone, and adjusted both the frequency and amplitude controls up and down, showing this all in the time domain. With an older class, I might have done the division at this point, but in order to make the concepts more accessible, I told them we could use the computer to do the frequency calculation for us, and switched to a power spectrum (FFT) display, which showed a nice sharp peak at 1000 Hz. We then compared their answers, which had been in the 2000-6000Hz range. We discussed the range of hearing of children, adults, people, dogs, and bats.

I told them that volume, although we wouldn't be exploring it, was measured in deciBels, and the teacher wrote it on the board and underlined the metric prefix, to tie it into a previous unit on measurement.

We tried the various instruments, and multiple sounds to see multiple peaks. I pointed out the 1KHz peak among the noise of 20 kids talking, and showed them a chart of the cochlea and likened its spiral to the power spectrum X axis, and said that roughly speaking that is why they can hear both the tone and the noise at the same time. I asked if anyone ever had sudden ringing in the ears and said that some doctors think it is caused by a single hair cell in the ear. I pointed out the height of tone above the noise, implicitly demonstrating s/n ratio.

We then tried pitch matching and saw that the voice contains multiple frequencies, and that the stringed instrument had strong 3rd harmonics, whose values they calculated. This led to a discussion of octaves, as about a third of the class took piano. (I wanted to get into other intervals and ratios but there wasn't time.)

We did some matching of the oscillator to the tones of the instruments and voices, and closed with a review of pitch and volume with the oscillator on both the time and frequency displays. There was a lot of demand for higher and higher frequencies (mostly from the boys, for some reason), so next time I'll try to find a higher fidelity speaker. But I did demonstrate leaving the audio range, and went up the 1 MHz, where I showed the electrical waves now being called radio waves, and picked up the scratch signal on an AM broadcast band radio at 1MHz.

By the end of the hour, the kids could answer questions about measurement of frequency, knew the range of hearing and could estimate the frequency of an audio tone, knew what Hz was, and had a few ideas for experiments to do at home (no PC required).

For the second week, I brought two laptops loaded with the PC version of PocketDigi (a very uncluttered digimode program available at http://pocketdigi.sourceforge.net) an external mic, and a CW practice set, composed of the ARRL No-Solder oscillator and the IOWA QRP key. (These last two are appropriate level science fair projects for elementary kids.)

I asked for some ways that we could communicate with sound but without talking, and we discussed speech acquisition by babies (or is it cry recognition acquisition by parents ;) and a few other ideas. One kid suggested morse code, so I brought out the key and showed them the PocketDigi waterfall display (note to self: ask Vojtech for a right-to-left scroll option), but we didn't get into CW at that point.

I briefly showed a PSK31 idle signal in both time and frequency domain , and quickly explained that when computers communicate with each other, whether it is the Internet at home or over a telephone dialup, or through air like we were doing, they always do it with waves, and that these waves were one way of doing that communications. I then typed on one keyboard and they saw the signal on the waterfall and the text appear, and we tested how far we could get before the signal faded into the noise and the recognition stopped. They had fun reading the text messages I typed.

Then we segued to Morse code; one kid had studied it at a cub scout troop (bless them) but didn't remember it. Rather than doing a long explanation of morse code, I said that I would now demonstrate how to communicate by sound without talking, just by using my ears (and cochlea) instead of the computer program. Fortunately, I had a confederate planted in the class who could send CW reliably.(Sorry if this part is like like those recipes in the newspaper that say "Now ladle on the sauce, which you should have prepared in early spring...")

I treated this demonstration like a magic trick, and with just a hint of explanation, turned my back, covered my eyes, and asked my trusty assistant to pick kids who had raised their hand (all of them did, of course) and send their names, and I would figure out who each was. My pronouncements of RENEE and EMMA and ANDREW were greeted with as much excitement as if I had pulled a live guinea pig out of my hat. JOLLY though produced quite a bit of laughter, though, and we ended the demonstration and switched back to discussion with an explanation of how someone could confuse H and J.

By this time, the class was ready for some information and discussion, and I wrote down (though cautioned that it's not he way to learn the sounds) E I S H A N T M and asked for opinions along the way about why the letters were different length. I mentioned a bit of the Alfred Vail controversy to get them to cheer for the underdog assistant, and asked for ideas about how to determine letter frequency. After a bit of discussion on this topic, I suggested that they all try making a letter frequency chart of a page or two of their favorite book and see how it worked out. Intermixed was a bit more demonstration of sending the high-point Scrabble letters Q, X, J, and Z, and a note that all numbers are 5 elements and punctuation 6 (shown with period). A few other free discussion topics came up as well, in response to questions, and I mentioned the Jay Leno (K7JA/K6CTW) results.

I picked a three-letter word and asked the class to call out the letters as I spoke them (di-di-dit dit dit), and right afterwards was quite surprised when a girl who spoke halting English asked to come up to the board. She wrote down something in dits and dahs and asked the class to decipher it; she had written EINSTEIN.

We went back to discussing frequency and I wrote down the metric prefixes going through KHz, MHz, GHz, and THz. (I made a mistake on the numerical value of THz and akid corrected me!). We discussed familar examples of each (sound, radio, computer speeds) and then for THz, I told them about the frequency of light. I then switched to showing sound waves modulating light, using a fiber optic experiment kit (about $20). I went around the class showing the light going through the 1m optical fiber, and used my finger to start and stop it in a tacit demonstration of CW modulation. Back at the demo table, I turned on the tone generator in the experiment kit and showed sending CW over light; several kids were sure it was a wire, so I pulled it out and aimed the IR parts at each other; we saw how the sound transmitted over light through air, and I explained that the frequency of the light was something on the order of 300 THz.

It was then time for recess, and though I had brought my KX1 with the intent of letting them listen to people "communicating with sound" over the radio, there was no time. So I left the teacher with 21 copies of the handout sheet to be sent home. On the way out the door, the girl who wrote EINSTEIN stopped by and asked me please for a Morse code chart.

The next week, the class had a test on sound and frequency, and reports were that the two hours had really made the ideas "come alive" for the students, and the classroom newsletter reported that the Morse code demonstration was the big hit of the week.

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