Hi Leigh:

Despite my tightening the screw on the GND lug with needle-nose, it was loose after I soldered it. I don't know if it will get loose again.
Perhaps I have the washer in the wrong place.

For what it may be worth, I used a flat washer on BOTH sides of the plastic case (up against the case itself). Then, I used a hand-held socket to tighten the nut. Using the flat washers allowed me to apply a higher amount of force to tighten the nut since they spread the compressive forces out of a slightly wider area of plastic.

I also used two flat washers between the nut and the thumbscrew, so I can sandwich the wire between the washers and not have the thumbscrew try to expel the wire as it's being tightened down.

I also used a slightly longer screw and then used a pair of heavy-duty wire cutters to impart a 'bunged-up thread' right at the end of the screw. this keeps the thumbscrew from being accidently unscrewed and lost.


Tom   N0SS

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