Good Evening,
The two nets this evening were like a breath of fresh air. I actually got to hear folks. Yes, Fred, even you! On twenty there was a pileup to break through but looking at my email I missed at least one person in the melee. Parts of the continent faded out as usual but this time it was far more gradual than it has been the last few weeks. It was nice to hear all the folks coming back plus three new operators. Straight Key Night is going strong so I had to move up a bit from the published frequency on forty meters. I've got my key plugged in so once I am through with this message, and a few chores, I can see how I do. It should be fun if it is not too much of a struggle to make myself understood ;) Dinner and chores were a bit out of synch tonight because of the time change but I was able to eat most of my dinner before it got too late. The baked chicken was quite good. I think I may be learning how to cook again! Now to be able to vary the meals as much as Pat was able to do. Her Thai recipes were fantastic and her green chili stew was as good as they made in Las Cruces. I do miss good New Mexican food. Sopapillas, green chilies, those nice, thick tortillas, etc. Maybe I can get down there again one day and see a few folks and eat all their food :)

  The lists =>

On 14050 kHz at 2258z:
K5BGB - Rod - TX - K2 - 1126    QNI #10!!
N0BK - Bruce - MN - K2 - 3646   QNI #90!!!
W6SU - John - CA - K2 - 228
K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866   QNI #35!!
NK6A - Don - CA - KX1 - 1098
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398 QNI #45!! A direct connect to Auburn, CA thanks to a Gwatt of power!
K9DMV - Joe - TX - K2 - 5628
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031

On 7045.5 kHz at 0200z:
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K2 - 5345
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
AE6GC - Jack - CA - KX1 - 1403
K6DF - Dennis - CA - non Elecraft rig
KT5E - Jay - CO - K2 - 5037     QNI #35!!
VE6ITA - John - AB - K2 5384

Thank you for joining me this evening for our time altered nets. I think the experiment worked. Next week I'll run the nets at the same time as this week and then see how it goes as the sun comes back further north. I have noticed some added brightness but I have a mountain blocking the view to the south so any difference at this time of year is quite apparent. The sun comes up in the east only to set behind the mountain early in the day. Then it pops out shortly before sun down so I get to see it again. Makes for a very dark few weeks around the solstice! The best is when the sun does not set twice a day ;) Progress was made on clearing some of the scattered trees and fixing some of the holes. I can get the house warmer than I could just a week ago. Sunday evenings are nice because I cook something in the oven and dry my clothes. These two extra heat sources make quite a difference. During dinner I opened the bedrooms to dump some of the heat into them since it was getting too warm. However, that is much better than being cold. Come spring I rip out the damage roof rafters and build a new one from scratch. I may add either a clerestory of a simple skylight. The clerestory would be better since it would allow northern light into the house. Southern light can get too concentrated during the summer months. We shall see how my plans go.
   Until next week,
         Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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