
I just finished building my KPA100 and it is quite happy in the K2 at this time. I agree with your observation of the milled out hole on the heat sink. I tried placing a lock washer between the heat sink and standoff (against Elecraft instructions) which resulted in not having the screws on the KPA100 rear panel match the hole resulting in having to remove the heat sink from the KPA100 PCB and removing the lock washer. Afterwards the screw hole aligned perfectly. I do believe the board is warped a little because of the machine out portion of the heat sink but it seems necessary to match all the mounting screw holes. Anyone else have any ideas.

By the way it seems surprising to me the amount of "missing" parts that customers are ordering for replacement. I just built the K2 with the SSB module, Noise blanker module, DSB module and KPA100 module. That calls for a lot of parts and I got to say that Christene always gets all the parts. In fact it seems that there is lots of extra hardware and wire in with the kits. Many times I thought a part was messing only to find it after careful looking.

I also have to agree with Elecraft on the alignment. If you take your time and read the procedures carefully you can do a real good alignment. The audio spectrum program that is offered really makes it easy to calibrate the BFO frequencies. I have been working with electronics for more then 40 years and I teach others to do the same. I cannot state enough to take your time and follow the procedures and your K2 is spot on frequency Great Job Elecraft!!
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