I have completed up to page 77 and can get one half of the bands to put
out power.  80, 40, 17, and 15 meters will show power output on the
internal watt meter.  30, 20, 12, and 10 meters will not show power
output.  Adjusting the variable inductors has no effect on wattage
output.  The PA transistors (Q7 and Q8) test good voltages.  What
appears faulty in the RF Board sheet of voltage measurements on page 17
are U4 pin 7 and U5 pin 1.  These test 5 volts and are supposed to test
0 volts.  Pins 7 and 1 are connected to each by looking at the pc board.
Each of these pins is next to a pin on their IC containing 5 volts.
Does this indicate that the problem may likely be a faulty IC?  Q24 is
testing about 75% of the specified at S & D pins while Q18 tests 0 at G
instead of -1.0. I have removed low pass wound filter inductors for two
nonfunctioning bands and reinstalled and this did not correct the
problem on these bands.  I would like to correct myself and not send
away for repair.  Your thoughts would be appreciated.


Thank you,

Dale, kc9cwb

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