Come on Bernie I told ya road trip time.....take a tour around the bottom of
Lake Michigan and come up this side and we'll have that puppy working before
the first beer is gone.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron D'Eau Claire
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 5:29 PM
To: 'Bernard Gaffney, N8PVZ/QRP';
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Re: Elecraft: K2 Audio Problem

Bernie, are you looking for lots of noise from the K2 audio with the antenna

Reading your message below, that sounds like it might be the case. 

My K2 is fairly quiet with no antenna. I like that the K2 does not have an
excess amount of internally-generated noise. 

I grabbed my sound level meter and made some measurements with both the RF
and AF gain full "up" right at the speaker (put the sound meter mic right
against the top of the rig over the speaker) and the AGC OFF so see how much
audio it can produce. 

On 10 meters (the band with the least local QRN) with no antenna connected
and the preamp On (normal on 10 meters) the sound level is 103 dB with the
AGC off. Checking the QRN level with the AGC On indicates about S4. The
S-meter is calibrated to show no bars with the antenna disconnected and S9
with 50 uV at the antenna. (Remember, that 103 dB is *at* the speaker. It's
a more reasonable 68 dB about 2 feet away where my ears usually are when
operating the K2.)

Connecting an antenna to the K2 jumps that background up from 103 dB to 126
dB at the speaker. At that level I'd not want to stay in the room with the
rig more than a few seconds! The noise hurts at arm's length away.

Down on 40 meters the QRN level is about S-6. At full volume, AGC off, it
pegs my noise level meter at 126 dB. Without an antenna the noise level at
the speaker is about 93 dB compared to 103 dB on 10. That's because I have
the preamplifier turned off on 40.  

Of course the bandwidth makes a huge difference when listening to noise.
Those are levels of normal band QRN coming through the SSB filter. 

Over the years there have been a number of perfectly credible reports of
*some* K2s having audio that was often reported as "anemic". I've never seen
a good reason for that reported here, nor do I recall anyone discovering an
assembly problem that cause it either. 


-----Original Message-----

Well, I checked my audio, 40m, antenna disconnected,
quiet room, no PreAmp or Attenuation, found no
difference between AGC On & Off. RF Gain max (fully
clockwise); AF gain has to be basically full clockwise
to get semi-decent audio (internal speaker, or
external via rear audio jack). PreAmp On helps crank
it up. Have not checked speaker wiring, will do that
as soon as I can and report back. Only major bummer
I've run into w/my K2, S/N 5601, so far.
But given that this sounds like a somewhat common
problem, I'm thinking I'll need to get an amplified
speaker. Perhaps Elecraft needs to look into and
address the issue?

   72 de N8PVZ

BTW, I had the rig built for me, and the builder did
an overall excellent job, so I think the audio issue
is somewhat unlikely to be an assembly problem.

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