My K1 VFO has stopped tuning.

The rig was (pretty much) fine till I replaced the tuning pot (plastic for
metal), but the problem doesn't seem to be there. I measure approx 0 to 100
k resistance as far as pin 1 of RF-RP2, so the new pot appears to be doing
its job. Voltage measured at D3 (5.9V) changes less than 0.1 V thru the
entire 100k tuning range, however, which I don't think is right.

Other info: RIT works. VFO OSC = 3.086. I can hear WWV at 10 MHz. E42 occurs
with pot at 100k.

Can anyone tell me if this points to a particular culprit? I'm continuing
troubleshooting, but time at the bench is at a premium and I'm hoping to
find a shortcut to the solution.

Scott N1AIA

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