On Feb 4, 2007, at 3:26 PM, Ron ZL1TW wrote:

Explaining (a) a bit better; with my failing hearing (and I am not alone with that problem in our Club) I find the upward facing speaker on the K2 (and indeed most rigs) makes listening to CW somewhat awkward. This is made even worse in FD situation when under cover of tents, which don't reflect sound like walls do. The answer to that problem was to make an exterior speaker enclosure, which I did, using a 5" speaker in a box with 20mm MDF sides and with a hardboard front and back. ......with of course a suitable size hole for the speaker.

Pardon me if this doesn't sound like an obviously stupid question -- but why are you using a speaker for Field Day? In every US Field Day that I have worked in recent memory, everyone used headphones.

If you want to add a speaker for passer's by, that's one thing, but the operators making the contacts ought to be using headphones -- makes it much easier to hear, hearing impairments or not.

Problem (b) was a bit different. In my K2 I had a K6XX tuning indicator that worked on the last LED of the "S" meter display, and it worked fine, but I also have a IC7000 which is pretty mean not having a "Spot" tone ( you have to go into menu's and remover "BREAK-IN" so the rig will run like a K2 with the VOX button depressed.....and you have to listen to the tone and hope you remember it!)

You could try calling CQ and then people would have to net to your frequency....

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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