On March 1, 2007 11:44 am, Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ Elecraft wrote:

Great to hear that Elecraft is doing so well!!!

Since you now have all these extra people, how about adding a K2 firmware 
upgrade to the list of things to do.

I would love to see a couple of things added:
1) A menu item to change the mode selection button to toggle between CW/Normal 
SSB or CW/USB/LSB. As each band has a default mode of SSB, and CW REV will 
toggle sidebands (USB/LSB) why not allow the operator to choose whether he 
want to always toggle through USB/LSB or not. Just like the rates menu 

2) A menu item to set whether TUNE will automatically set the power to 2/20 
watts or not. With the KAT2/KAT100 installed this is how TUNE functions. It 
would be nice to have the option to set this for use with other tuners.

Darrell  VA7TO  K2#5093

> 3. Growth Pains
> This is good news. :-) Elecraft has grown quite a bit over the last
> couple of years and we have just doubled our manufacturing and
> administrative space here in Aptos. We've also added to our engineering
> staff and manufacturing resources. Coordinating this - moving parts,
> people and resources into the new space, has taken a lot of time and
> effort. The good news is that we are healthy, profitable and in good
> shape to continue to grow and supply you with great new products!
Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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